“Father’s Day Gifts for Self-Aware Narcissist Dads” is a series that features found mens clothing embroidered with pithy text. For these works, ties and button-down shirts are hand-embroidered with the unspoken conditions for love that govern the parent-child relationship, adding consciousness to rules the child has always adhered to. The brutally honest texts make confessions such as “I hate women more than I love you,” asking what would happen if narcissists were made to be truthful about their agenda. These pieces live in an uncomfortable space of the recognition of power imbalance and the feeling of powerlessness to change the situation—a self-aware narcissist is a pipe dream and so upon recognizing a parent is a narcissist, one must accept to lose either their parent or a part of themselves.
I hate women more than I love you, 2018. Oxford shirt, embroidery floss.
Self-inflicted, 2021. Tie, embroidery floss, pins.
Your autonomy is a betrayal, 2020. Tie, embroidery floss, tie box, handcuff.